On January 3, 2025, the Quezon City government inaugurated the Baesa Housing Project, a five-story residential building located in Barangay Baesa. The project comprises 150 units, with 110 families already occupying their new homes. The facility includes housing units, a parking lot, playground, open spaces, and a rooftop area for residents.
Mayor Joy Belmonte, District 6 Representative Marivic Co-Pilar, and Chief of Staff Rowena Macatao visited the new residents to assess their living conditions. This initiative is part of the city’s ongoing efforts to provide adequate housing for informal settler families (ISFs). In December 2021, the city government acquired parcels of land in Barangay Baesa and other areas to benefit approximately 3,478 families through a Direct Sale Program, enabling residents to own the land they have occupied for decades.Â
The Baesa Housing Project aligns with Quezon City’s commitment to addressing housing needs and improving the quality of life for its residents. The local government continues to implement socialized housing projects to provide safe and affordable homes for ISFs, contributing to the city’s development and the well-being of its citizens.Â